Terms & Conditions
Cancellation policy:
If you cancel your booking 8 days or more prior to your scheduled arrival at KUNA, there will be no charge. If cancelled or modified within 7 days the full amount will be charged by our main office located in Sydney, Australia under the name Wanderlands Group.
Check-in / check-out:
Check in time is 2.00pm and check out is 11.00am. We will try wherever possible to accommodate early arrival and/or late departure.
Outside Guests:
Unfortunately outsides guests (friends/visitors) are not allowed on the premises.
Additional charges:
Management also reserves the right to charge guests for the following, but not restricted to, all damages and breakages, lost keys, missing items, late departure, extra cleaning and unpaid expenses. Any additional charges will automatically be charged to the credit card provided as security for the booking following at least one attempt to contact the credit card holder.
Group bookings:
For group bookings of 7 or more people, please contact us on office@kunabali before you make your reservation.
Age restrictions:
If you are over 40 or under 18 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to stay on our dorms.
KUNA shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use of (or inability to use) this website or its contents.
Force majeure:
KUNA will not be in breach of this agreement, or any way liable to any party, if it is prevented from complying with this agreement by reason of act of God, act of public enemy, act of terrorism, war, earthquake, riot, explosion, compliance with any law or government restraint order, rule regulations, strike, lockout or any other cause not reasonably within the control of KUNA.